Ahmad Jaya Laksana, S.Pd
IKIP Siliwangi


The objective of this paper entitled “Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using Flash Multimedia at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Cianjur was to measure whether or not Multimedia Flash was effective in teaching the students’ writing ability. The research method that the writer used was quantitative method. The writer used one group pretest-posttest design. The instruments of the research were pretest and posttest. The pretest was given to find out the ability of the students at the beginning before the treatment, and the posttest was given to find out the ability of the students after they were given treatment. Those pretest and posttest contained instruction for students to write descriptive text with the topic “My Pet”. The research population was the students of the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Cianjur which contain two classes, and the sample of the research was one class which consist of 30 students. The data of this research were collected by giving the students pretest and posttest. The collected data were analyzed by using t-test using SPSS statistic Program. The result of Normality Test showed that the data has a normal distribution on the P-value of the pretest and posttest is bigger than 0.05 (pretest 1.150 and posttest 1.055). Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis was accepted because the tobs was higher than the t-table (20.487 > 1.699). It means that the Flash Multimedia has significance effect to increase the students’ writing ability.

Keywords. A. Writing Descriptive Text, Flash Multimedia




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, Alhamdulillaahirobbil’aalamiin by the Grace of Allah SWT, the writer has finished his paper which entitled “Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using Flash Multimedia at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Cianjuras one of the requirements for the Sarjana Degree in English Education Study Program of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung.

This paper is an attempt to study the effectiveness and improvement of basic skill to senior high school which contain the application of teaching English writing to the students of SMA Negeri 1 Cianjur. This is intended to find out the students achievement in English writing descriptive text.

The writer realizes that this writing is still far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer expects some constructive, suggestion, comments, and criticisms for better work. 



Bandung,   February 2016

Ahmad Jaya Laksana




Praise be to Allah Lord of the world who has bestowed upon the writer in completing this paper entitled “Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using Flash Multimedia at the Ten Grade Students of SMAN 1 cianjur. Peace and blessing upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companion, and his followers.

This paper is presented to the English Education Study Program of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung in partial fulfillment of requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan degree. This paper cannot be completed without a great deal of help from many people.

His deepest gratitude goes to those who helped him in finishing his paper. They are:

1.      Dr. H Heris Hendriana, M.Pd, as the head of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung.

2.      Dasep Suprijadi, S.Pd, M.Pd, as the head of English Education Study Program and the first Supervisor.

3.      Sri Supiah, SH. M.Pd, as the Secretary of English Education Study Program and the second supervisor.

4.      Yana, S.Pd and Nunu, S.Pd as the lectures and staff who had given their valuable advise, support and cooperation.

5.      All lecturers and staff in English Department who had given their valuable advice and cooperation.

6.      The librarian who had given the writer much time to seek for resource books and read them. 

7.      The principal of SMAN 1 Cianjur, his fellow teachers, and his dearest students, thank them for their cooperation.

8.      The principal of SMAN 1 Karang Tengah Cianjur, his fellow teachers, and his dearest students, thank them for their cooperation.

9.      His beloved Mother (Ida Rupaendah) and Father (alm. Muhidin), His Brothers and Sisters,  his Fiance (Ika Kustika, S.Pd), Maman Salman, S.Pd and English Comunity of SMAN 1 Cianjur, his friend Abdul Rahman, and all his friends for their support, pray, and encouragement. 

10.  All his friends in STKIP Siliwangi Bandung.

11.  All of the people who have helped the writer to finish his study that cannot be mentioned one by one.

May Allah, the almighty bless them all, Amien.



Bandung,   February 2016

Ahmad Jaya Laksana



Surat Keterangan................................................................................................

Kartu Kegiatan Bimbingan................................................................................

Question of Pretest .............................................................................................

Question of Posttest.............................................................................................


Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran................................................................

Answering Students of Posttest..........................................................................

Answering Students of Posttest..........................................................................





1.        Table 4.1 Scoring Criteria............................................................................... 24

2.      Table 4.2 The Students’ Pretest Scores .......................................................... 25

3.      Table 4.3 The Students’ Posttest Scores......................................................... 26

4.      Table 4.4 The Comparison of the Test Result................................................. 27




Declaration .......................................................................................................... i

Approval sheet..................................................................................................... ii

Abstract................................................................................................................ iii

Preface.................................................................................................................. iv

Acknowledgment ................................................................................................ v

Table of contents................................................................................................. vii



A.    The Research Background.............................................................................. 1

B.     The Research Question and Hypothesis ......................................................... 3

C.     Purposes of the Research................................................................................ 3

D.    Limitation of the Problem............................................................................... 3

E.     Benefit of the Research .................................................................................. 4

F.      Definiton of key Term .................................................................................... 6

1.      Teaching.................................................................................................... 5

2.      Writing....................................................................................................... 5

3.      Descriptive Text........................................................................................ 5

4.      Flash Multimedia....................................................................................... 5

G.    Organization of the Paper.............................................................................. 6



A.    English Langguage Teaching .......................................................................... 8

B.    Using Flash Multimedia ................................................................................. 9

C.    Teaching Writing in Senior High School ........................................................ 12

D.    Teaching Descriptive Text .............................................................................. 13

1.      General Concept of Descriptive Text ....................................................... 14

2.      Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ...................................................... 16

3.      Purposes of Descriptive Text .................................................................... 17

4.      Feature of Descriptive Text ...................................................................... 18

E.   The Character of Senior High School ............................................................. 18

F.   Previous Studies.............................................................................................. 18




A.    Research Design ............................................................................................. 19

B.     Research Method............................................................................................ 19

C.     Research Instrument ....................................................................................... 21

D.    Population and Sample ................................................................................... 21

E.     Research Data Collecting ............................................................................... 21

F.      Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 22

G.    Research Procedure ........................................................................................ 23



A.    Findings .......................................................................................................... 24

1.      Mean ......................................................................................................... 28

2.      Standar Deviation .................................................................................... 28

3.      T-test ........................................................................................................ 29

B.     Discussion ..................................................................................................... 32



A.    Conclusions .................................................................................................... 33

B.     Suggestions .................................................................................................... 33


      REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 34

      APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 36




This chapter presents an overview of this study, it consist of background, research questions, aim of the study, research methodology, and organization of paper. Each part will be discussed in different section orderly.


A.    Research Background

English as an international language has an important role to develop science and technologies many countries in the world use English as a medium of communication among people in different countries, and also of writing many kinds of books in which those are spread in different countries. In Indonesia there are many kinds of foreign books written in English, whether they are medical, Economical, Botanical, or other books, they claim Indonesian students to be able to learn and to use English in schools or in society in order that the books they read can be applied in various fields so that the development of science and technologies in Indonesia can be obtained.

Language is a system of choices by which we can communicate certain functions, allowing us to express our experiences of the world, to interact with others, and to create coherent messages (Hylland, 2004: 25). We use language to convey our ideas, feelings, and so on.

In Indonesian, English is taught in junior high school and senior high school, even in elementary school. Studying English is not a new thing for the students of Senior high school before. Although English is not the new thing for Senior high school students, in fact they still have many difficulties in studying English. As we know that English is not the Indonesian native language. It is difficult for the students to remember all the words in English and to understand when someone speaking English.

Writing is one of difficult subjects at school. So the teacher must create the

subject so that the students can study the subject easily and more attractive. Besides, the kinds of the text can also be important in teaching English in order to make the writing teaching successful. To select the appropriate texts, the teacher must consider the characteristics of the students, which directly related to the learning process. Harmer (2004 : b.86) states that writing is a process and that we write is often heavily influenced by constraints of genres, then these elements have to be present in learning activities.

There many kinds of texts that can be used such as narrative, descriptive, explanation, recount, information, report, exposition, and argumentation. They are

very useful for the teacher to achieves the instructional goals of teaching- learning process and they can also be interesting for the students and make more interactive in the class without wasting time to write the material on the white board.

In this research writer tries to find out what the text that is really good to teach writing ability. Writer tries to find out how good ability of the ten grade students of senior high school for producing text or paragraph by learning descriptive text and mention it in multimedia, Flash multimedia is used as interactive teaching and learning. By using descriptive text as a genre for teaching writing, the students will be more interested and easy to study it because descriptive text describe some think with interesting explain so the students like look the object that can make students enjoy reading and explain in teaching form package as a multimedia.

B.     Research Questions and Hypothesis

This research was conducted to answer the following questions. Can the use of Teaching Descriptive text Using Flash Multimedia improve the students writing ability?

This research was Hypothesis was the tobs was higher than the t-table. It also meant that the Flash Multimedia has significance effect to increase the students’ writing ability especially on writing descriptive text.  


C.    Purposes of the Research

The research was aimed to find out wether or not   investigating the effectiveness of  Teaching Descriptive text Using Flash Multimedia to senior high school.


D.    Limitation of the Problem

This research is focused on toward “teaching writing descriptive text using flash multimedia at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA NEGERI 1 Cianjur” in academic year 2015/2016.



E.     Benefit of the Research

This study is expected to :                                                                     

1.      The result of the research will be hopefully useful for English teachers in Multimedia teaching descriptive text to improve writing ability.

2.      The writer also expect that the result will be useful for Senior high school students in learning writing and producing the new interesting text and attractive form.


F.     Definition of Key Terms

Clarification of the Key Terms are written to focus on what is being investigated and avoid misunderstanding between the readers. Those are as follows:


1.      Teaching

“Teaching is like acting: Know your material well, show enthusiasm, and have fun” (Manvel, 2009:105).     

2.      Writing

Writing is “a system of recording language by means of visible or tactile marks” (Coulmas, 2003:1).        

3.      Descriptive text

A descriptive text is a text which portrays the image of certain thing from which a writer wants to transfer it to the readers.



4.      Multimedia Flash

Multimedia learning projects are those that integrate media objects such as text, graphics, video, animation, and sound to represent and convey information which have the potential to connect key learning objectives in a prescribed curriculum to real world contexts, integrate diverse curriculum areas, support student decision-making Multimedia Learning

Among the articles that reference multimedia production, Their guidelines are integral to the development of multimedia learning objects with regard to how to incorporate images, audio, video, written and spoken narration. With this background knowledge, practitioners can critically analyze the components of multimedia in order to prevent an overload of cognitive stimulation which can impede learning  that combining project-based learning and multimedia offers a rich and valuable means of instruction. As Armstrong (2000) suggests, project-based learning tends to redefine the boundaries of the classroom. Through project-based learning, the  curriculum is moved toward authentic complexity and the "big ideas" of the world, allowing students and teachers to look beyond what can be housed within the traditional schoolroom. In turn, multimedia projects—those that integrate media objects such as text, graphics, video, animation, and sound to represent and convey information—have the potential to connect key learning objectives in a prescribed curriculum to real world contexts, integrate diverse curriculum areas, support student decision-making, and foster authentic collaboration. Utilizing multimedia in project-based learning enables students to acquire new information and build personal knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning, and producing some product or performance (Simkins et al. 2002:101).


G.    Organization of the Research Paper

The paper is divided into five chapters that can be presented as follows.

Chapter 1 : Introduction

It Gives the introduction that contains Research Background, research Questions, Purposes of the research, objectives of the research, limitation of the problem, benefit of the research, research methodology, population and sample of research, and organization of the research paper.

Chapter 2 : Literature Review

It elaborates about English Language using of Multimedia Flash in Teaching English, Definitions of Writing, Presents review of related literature which discusses English language teaching, teaching writing in Senior high school, general concept of writing, steps in writing, types of exam writing, teaching descriptive text, general concept of descriptive text, generic structure of descriptive texts, types of descriptive texts, technique in teaching descriptive texts, the characteristics of Senior high school students and action research and Finally Teaching Writing to Senior High School via Multimedia.



Chapter 3 : Research Methodology

It deals with research method which discusses research design, research Method, Research instrument, research population, research sample, research data, research collection and research procedure.

Chapter 4 : Result and Discussion

This chapter presents the finding of the study regarding the use of Multimedia in improving students writing skill and gives interpretation of the result of the study which discuss mean, standard deviation, T-test and discussion.

Chapter 5 : Conclusions and Suggestions

It presents some conclusions and suggestions.

















This Chapter mainly discusses the theories related to the use of multimedia flash in teaching English, definition of writing, techniques and strategies of teaching writing, and teaching to senior high school via multimedia flash include audio-video and animation.


A.     English Language Teaching

English is one of many languages in the world. There are some doubts as to its future status, but even in the present it is worth countering the idea that is an all embracing world language. There are many more people in the world, especially in Indonesia, who do not speak English than there are people who do. Therefore, English language teaching has an important role in improving language skill.

Harmer (2004: a. 57) describes that teaching means to give (someone knowledge) or to instruct or train (someone). It is undertaking certain ethical task or activities the intension of which is to induce learning. Therefore, English language teaching means that the teacher gives some knowledge about English so that they can use English well anywhere.


B.     Using Flash Multimedia

In teaching English, a teacher can use and elaborate many kinds of media. The media ccan be in the form of written text and reading passages which were considered as tradtional way of foreign langguage teaching or they can be presented in variety of actual modes of communicating which were considered as authentic text such as newspaper, advertisements, radio report, pictures, film review, etc.

We believe that incorporating the theory of multiple intelligences and multimedia increases opportunities for problem-solving and promotes learning activities that are context-rich and naturalistic Crichton and Kopp: Multimedia Technologies, Multiple Intelligences, and Teacher Prof Published by NSUWorks, 2006 (Armstrong 2000). From our work with students (both children and adults), we know that student-centered instructional strategies and access to multimedia tools allow students to wrestle with important concepts and construct personal knowledge.

 Students strive to collect, filter, evaluate, organize, and make sense of the world's ideas presented as media outside the classroom walls. Moreover, as suggested by Jacobsen and Crichton 2004; Theodosakis 2001, students engage in the powerful act of editing and creating when they work to produce knowledge, to represent this knowledge using various media, and to share their understandings within a larger world forum. As a result, multimedia becomes a powerful tool by which learners become engaged by—and in—the production of knowledge through :

-          individual and collaborative engagement,

-          different representations of understanding,

-          the presentation of these representations, and, ultimately,

-          the creation of a visible record for formative and summative assessment of process and product.

The Flash Multimedia is an application in teaching and learning with animation, sound and video which used as an interactive program. As the traditional way of foreign langguage teaching or an authentic text which is presented through the variety of actual modes of communicating such as newspaper, radio, picture, film or videotape, Multimedia, etc.



Picture. 2.1

Multimedia Flash “how to write descriptive text









Picture. 2.2

Generic Structure of Descriptive text


Picture. 2.3

Describing the Subject

A Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learnings now leads us to the topic of how cognitive science can guide us to create more effective computer-based training and multimedia instruction, which Mayer (2001) simply defines as the presentation of material using words and pictures. This definition includes printed materials and emphasizes what Mayer describes as a learner-centered approach rather than the technology centered approach normally associated with the concept of multimedia. Mayer calls for instruction with multimedia methods that are based on empirical evidence. His Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer & Moreno, 2002) states that multimedia narration and graphical images produce verbal and visual mental representations, which integrate with prior knowledge to construct new knowledge. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning is based on several.


C.    Teaching Writing in Senior High School

As stated before that senior high school students are expected to reach informational level because they are expected to produce knowledge using their own language. In this case, the students should be able to create a text using their own words. The texts used are narrative, descriptive, recount, etc.

In Senior high school, literacy is the focus of development learning English in this curriculum. One of the goals in learning English at Senior high school is to develop communication skill in English both spoken and written language. Therefore, the teachers should be careful in teaching writing to his/her students.

According to 2004 curriculum of the tenth grade  of Senior high school, the teaching writing covers:

a.  Grammar (simple present tense, simple past tense, simple future tense)

b.  Introducing texts (narrative, recount, descriptive)

c.  Generics structure of the texts

From the explanation above, the writer come to a conclusion that teaching writing for Senior high school students should be related to curriculum. Furthermore, the teacher should be able to create an interesting atmosphere in teaching learning process especially in teaching writing. Parent could be very helpful to encourage them to learn writing and finally the expected result can be reached.


D.    Teaching Descriptive Texts

As an international language, English are also thought in Indonesia as a foreign language. The goal of English language teaching in Indonesia, as stated in the decree of the Indonesian Ministry Of Education and Culture, is to give students a working knowledge of the English language with the following detailed objectives in order of importance :

a.   To give students on effective reading ability

b.  To give students the ability to understand spoken English

c.   To give students a writing ability

d.  To give students a speaking ability

One the objectives of English language teaching is to give students an effective writing ability. Learning to write is a process of discovering and organizing the ideas, putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising them.

Writing is the lesson in the school since the students have to produce the text by using English. They have to write about what they think in their mind and state it on a paper by using the correct procedure.

Descriptive text is one of the most powerful writing styles.  A descriptive text is a text which portrays the image of certain thing from which a writer wants to transfer it to the readers. Mostly descriptive texts depict or describe in words the image of certain person, animal, thing, and location or place. A descriptive text is organized with generic structure of identification in the first paragraph to introduce what is exactly going to be described. After stating the identification, a descriptive text will show the description of the object. Paragraphs of description may contain parts or physical characteristic, value or quality, usage or function. To figure problems out, the writer can use descriptive text in improving writing. Students can feel more relax in learning writing lesson and it will be easier for them to produce descriptive texts.

1.            General Concept of Descriptive Texts

English should be learned as a second language that is the major language spoken in the community or the language of instruction in the schools where English is taught as a foreign language. To make the students feel enjoyable and pleasure in learning writing, teachers should select interesting writing text to teach writing.

The writer chose “Descriptive Texts”, as the writing material. Kane (2000: 352) states that Description is about sensory experience—how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception.

From the definition above, the writer can conclude that Descriptive text structure is typically used to give information in a straight forward, factual manner. This type of text often appears in encyclopedias, on informative websites or in textbooks in order to relay information to the reader. It is most often written in present tense and lacks prose, flowing in a matter-of-fact manner. Students will be able to find examples of descriptive text all around them in both the classroom and library. We can see some examples from the text below :


My Lovely Mio

I have a pet named Mio. It is a male Persian cat.

Mio Looks cute and classy. His fur is beautiful. He has thick soft hair. Every three months, he gets vitamins shots and other precaution measures.

Mio is a modern cat. He likes eating canned and dried food. When Mio doesn’t feel well, he doesnt do much meowing and eats less than usual. In this moment, he needs extra vitamins and milk. Usually, he will be better within two days.



2.            Generic Structure of Descriptive Texts

 The generic structure of descriptive text consists of identification and description.

a.       Identification
Identifies phenomenon to be described. It is a part of paragraph which introduces or identifies the character.

b.      Description
It is a part of paragraph which describes the character. Describes parts, qualities, characteristics, etc.










Picture. 4 

Identification and Description

      Wardiman, et al (2008:16) also explain that in descriptive text, there are two important parts or generic structures which should be noticed, those are: Introduction and Description. Introduction is the part of the paragraph that introduces the character. Example: Paragraph 1 in “Lovely Mio” text. Description is the part of the paragraph that describes the character. Example: Mio Looks cute and classy. His fur is beautiful. He has thick soft hair.

            Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of his work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc.

            Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event e.g. to:

a)      Describe a special place and explain why it is special.

b)     Describe the most important person in your life.

c)      Describe the animal's habitat in your report.


            Description is a style of writing which can be useful for a variety of purposes:

a.      To engage a reader's attention

b.      To create characters

c.      To set a mood or create an atmosphere

d.     To bring writing to life.


3.            Purposes of Descriptive Text

Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event e.g. to:

e.       Describe a special place and explain why it is special.

b.   Describe the most important person in our life.

c.   Describe the animal's habitat in our report.

Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc.


4.             Features of Descriptive Text

Description is a style of writing which can be useful for a variety of purposes to engage a reader's attention, create characters, set a mood or create an atmosphere and bring writing to life.

E.     The Characters of Senior High School Students

The followings are some general characteristics as the children of that group according to Hidayat Tulus (1997: 10):

a.       The Senior high school students still need another help in learning.

b.      They prefer to practice something interesting than studying the lesson.

c.       They often do or imitate negative thing from what they know or they watch.

d.      They prefer to state their ideas than to obey the advice from another people.

e.       Most of Senior high school students are creative.

F.     Previous Studies

The first study conducted by Sitti Rahma (2005: 61) in her research on improving the students’ ability to write descriptive paragraph through direct observation. The researcher concluded that write descriptive paragraph about anything especially the place through direct observation can be improved the students writing English.

The second study conducted by Sofiatun (2008) is ―Retelling Story as a Technique to Improve Student‘s Ability in Speaking English ( A Case of Second-Year Students of SMK 7 Semarang). She suggested that the implementation of retelling a story as a technique to improve students‘ speaking ability has proved it to be successful; it was supported by the results of the post-test which was higher than the pre-test.




This chapter discussed research methodology. They include research design, research method, research instrument, population and sample, research data collecting, data analysis, and research procedures.


A.    Research design

In this research the writer used the one group pre-test – post test design Vaillant (1985:113) says, the researcher to take a pre-test measures Y1, manipalute the independent variable X, and make an observation on dependent variable Y2.

Paradigm of one group pre-test – post-test design












B.     Research method           

In this section we present a brief overview of the quantitative methods covered in this text. There are numerous applications for each of the following  methods. In this research, the writer used quantitative method which the numerical data gathered, and then analyzed statistically. McMillan & Schumacher (2000:40) state “Quantitative emphasizes a priori category to collect data in the form of numbers. The goal is to provide statistical descriptions, relationships, and explanations”. The writer applied quantitative method because the gathered data is more in the numerical form.

The quantitative analysis of survey data - whether from one's own work or the work of others - is often presented as a daunting task for those social scientists who are not mathematically trained. The texts below are intended to explain the main methods involved in statistically analysing secondary and primary data (mainly survey data). The majority of these texts are introductory but all provide suggestions for further reading Duncan Cramer's (2003:25). text may be of more use to those with prior experience of quantitative data analysis.

            Research is considered more formal, systematic and intensive process of carrying on scientific method of analysis, application of problem, identification, formulation, observation analysis and conclusion.

            Methodology comes from word Methods” are the different stabling and measuring linguistic feature  such as statistical count, field reasoning procedure. Which are commonly use in educational research. They are historical, descriptive and the writer use descriptive method. Focusing on the existing problem that occurs in the present time are the data gained are arranged described and then analyzed.

            Using this method, the writer conducted to get valid description on the result of the teaching descriptive text using Multimedia Flash at the tenth grade student of SMA Negeri1 Cianjur.


C.    Research instruments

The instruments that were used for gathering the data were:

1.      Pretest

Pretest was given in order to find out the students achievement before giving treatments.

2.      Posttest

Posttest was given in order to find out the result of the treatments. The procedure was similar to the pre test.


D.    Research Population and sample

“A population is a group of elements or cases, whether individuals, objects, or events, that conform to specific criteria and to which we intend to generalize the results of the research” (McMillan & Schumacher, 2000:40). The research took place at SMA Negeri 1 Cianjur. The population was the tenth grade students. There were two classes and one class (10 A) was taken as the sample. This class consisted of thirty students.


E.     Research data collecting

Firstly in this research the writer administered a pretest, the test consist of modeling of the text entitled is “My Lovely Mio”. The written test was used to measure students’ achievement before giving the treatments. It was conducted on Februari 9th, 2016 in tenth grade (10 A).

            Secondly, the writer gave a posttest. The procedure was similar to the pre test. This test was used to measure students’ achievement after giving the treatments. It was conducted on February 11th, 2016 in ten grade (10 A).

            The writer arranged raw score from the students’ pretest and posttest then the writer analyzed the result of pretest and posttest.


F.     Data analysis

The steps in analyzing the data were as follow:

-       Taking a pre test measures

-       Manipulating the independent variable (treatment)

-       Making an observation on dependent variable (post test)

-       Compering or analyzing score of pre test and post test to find out weather there is a significant difference between pre test and post test by using t- test.


The formula is:             

Where :

  is the mean of difference between pre test and post test

The mean = x  =





 is the sample

 is the standard deviation for the difference between pre test and post test

                                    S =            


G.    Research procedure

The research procedure consists of the following steps:

1.      Teaching descriptive text without explaining how to get the specific information from the text. Then gave a test (pre test) to find out the students’ achievement before giving the treatments. It was conducted on February 9th, 2016.

2.      Teaching descriptive text and gave the treatments (how to get specific information from the text). In was conducted on February 10th, 2016

3.      Gave test again (post test) to find out the students’ achievement after giving the treatments. It was conducted on February 11th, 2016.













In this chapter the writer elaborates the result of pretest and posttest which are then analyzed. The final result of the analysis will proof whether or not the teaching way applied (the Flash Media) in teaching writing descriptive text improve the ability of student in writing.  

A.    Findings

Findings were obtained during the process of the research. Those findings were the result of pretest and posttest. To find out the score of those tests, the writer made the criteria for scoring the students’ tests. Those criteria are organization of the text, contents, structure, and spelling. Those criteria can be seen in the table below: 

Table 4.1

Scoring Criteria





Organization of the text






Grammar or structure










0 – 5 = poor                       11 – 15  = good                       21 – 25= excellent

6 – 10= sufficient              16 – 20= very good

Table 4.2

 The Students’ Pretest Scores
















            Based on the pretest result, the total score ∑ = 1270 M1 = 42.33. The scores mean that most of the students did not do well on the test, they felt difficult to do the test. They did not answer all the questions well.

Table 4.3

The Students’ Posttest Scores














            Based on the posttest result, the total score ∑ = 1985 M2 = 66.77. The scores mean that most of the students did well on the tests, they felt easier to do the test. They could answer almost all of the questions well.

Table 4.4

The Comparison of the Test Result














            Based on the data in the table, the writer calculated the result ∑D =  715 and ∑D2 = 18.725. To calculate the standard deviation of the result of average score, the writer used the formula as follows (Crowl, 1996:140):

A.    Mean

The mean = x  =






X = the mean of the difference in scoring of the pretest-posttest

X = the difference in scoring of the pretest-posttest.

n = the total number of students.


x   =


x   = 24


B.    Standard Deviation

S = 


S = the standard deviation of the difference in scoring of the pretest-posttest

X = the difference in scoring of the pretest-posttest

X = the mean of the difference in scoring of the pretest-posttest.

n  = the total number of the student.


S = 

S = 

S = 

S = 

S = 

S = 25


C.    T-test

t =

t =

t =

t =

t =

t =

t =  5.369

            So, the result is 5.369 indicated that there was a difference of degree. Then, to complete the result of the research, the writer found out the degree of freedom (df) with the formula:

df = N - 1

df = 30 - 1

df = 29

df = 29 (see table of ‘t’ value at the degree of significance of 0.05.

At the degree of significance 0.05 = 2.045, and the result is 5.369 > 2.045

            The result of analyzing the data by using the above formula shows that the coefficient is 5.369. It means that there is a significance effect after the Multimedia Flash used in teaching writing descriptive text.


D.    Discussion

The data analysis showed that:

M1 = 42.33

M2 = 66.17

tobs = 5.369

The critical value

df   = 30 – 1 = 29

The level of significance at

0,05 = 2.045

            Based on the data analysis above, the writer concluded that the alternative hypothesis was accepted because the tobs was higher than the t-table ( 5.369 > 2.045). It also meant that the Multimedia Flash Method has significance effect to increase the students’ writing ability especially on writing descriptive text. 





This is the last chapter that summarizes all of the previous chapters that have been discussed. It consists of conclusions and suggestions.

A.    Conclusions

Based on the data analysis, the writer concluded that the alternative hypothesis was accepted because the tobs was higher than the t-table (5.369 > 2.045). It also meant that using the flashmedia  has significance effect to increase the students’ writing ability especially on writing descriptive text. 

The students who got improvements were indicated on especially structure and spelling. They could write the sentences based on the well-structure. They also write each word on each sentence with good spelling. No wonder, the score they had after they got treatment was higher than the test before the treatment.

B.     Suggestions

There are some suggestions that the writer would like to propose. The first suggestion is for the English teacher, he/she should be more creative in creating teaching method or technique. Using Flash Multimedia would be applicable to be applied in teaching writing, especially in teaching writing descriptive text.

            The second suggestion is for the students, they should have more facilities to support their English learning. They should have dictionaries online, English books, English CD’s, etc.

            The last suggestion is for the next researcher, therefore the writer hopes there would be another research that can develop more about the result. The next researcher may use this paper as their reference.       





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